Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle

“Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle”
“617.112 Aufrufe – 06.02.2022”
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US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle

The U.S. Army to test entire of Robotic combat vehicles in simulated battle this year, a wargame that leaders called unprecedented and a big step toward refining the hardware and software that will one day enable wheeled robots to take the battlefield.

the Army tested an RCV-L demonstrator at military training facility. It’s equipped with a Common Remotely Operated Weapons Station-Javelin (CROWS-J) and a remote-controlled anti-tank. it also fires an M230LF Lightweight 30mm Cannon Chain Gun, an extremely lethal rapid-fire gun.”

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