Collective Evolution is a severely manipulated website, like CIABook in general… but this is a major Zion/CIA/Palantir Base, incl. Censorship, privacy leaks and unexpected Facebook kick outs. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(17.7.)

Collective Evolution is a severely manipulated website, like CIABook in general… but this is a major Zion/CIA/Palantir Base, incl. Censorship, privacy leaks and unexpected Facebook kick outs. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(17.7.)

213280cookie-checkCollective Evolution is a severely manipulated website, like CIABook in general… but this is a major Zion/CIA/Palantir Base, incl. Censorship, privacy leaks and unexpected Facebook kick outs. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(17.7.)
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