„War is the most inappropriate way of solving the differences. That´s why I´m against the pentagon and the military, because they should be concerned with how to bridge the difference and bring nations together towards a common purpose, namely taking care of the environment one another and restoring the damaged environment. That´s what I´d like to see in military systems. I would like to see instead of training millions of soldiers to be killing machines, I´d rather train them to be problem solvers, send them back to school, teach them social science, social psychology, sociology, so they can add to the culture, not be destructive. (Jacque Fresco)“

„War is the most inappropriate way of solving the differences. That´s why I´m against the pentagon and the military,
because they should be concerned with how to bridge the difference and bring nations together towards a common
purpose, namely taking care of the environment one another and restoring the damaged environment. That´s what I´d
like to see in military systems. I would like to see instead of training millions of soldiers to be killing machines, I´d rather train them to be problem solvers, send them back to school, teach them social science, social psychology, sociology, so they can add to the culture, not be destructive. (Jacque Fresco)“

61680cookie-check„War is the most inappropriate way of solving the differences. That´s why I´m against the pentagon and the military, because they should be concerned with how to bridge the difference and bring nations together towards a common purpose, namely taking care of the environment one another and restoring the damaged environment. That´s what I´d like to see in military systems. I would like to see instead of training millions of soldiers to be killing machines, I´d rather train them to be problem solvers, send them back to school, teach them social science, social psychology, sociology, so they can add to the culture, not be destructive. (Jacque Fresco)“
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