“My point is sue the bastards in a court of law. That should have happened with the CIA in the ’50s and ’60s with all the experiments they were doing on people who didn’t even know they were being experimented on – these people belong in jail, they don’t belong in government! (William Binney)”

“My point is sue the bastards in a court of law. That should have happened with the CIA in the ’50s and ’60s with all the experiments they were doing on people who didn’t even know they were being experimented on – these people belong in jail, they don’t belong in government! (William Binney)”

315850cookie-check“My point is sue the bastards in a court of law. That should have happened with the CIA in the ’50s and ’60s with all the experiments they were doing on people who didn’t even know they were being experimented on – these people belong in jail, they don’t belong in government! (William Binney)”
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