Enlightenment vs Ignorance – NWO – Sabotage – Agenda – Illumination vs Zombification

Enlightenment vs Ignorance – NWO – Sabotage – Agenda – Illumination vs Zombification
„This tenth ‚thought of the day‘ was recorded on Friday, 2 June 2017, in Brussels, Belgium. Why do people refuse to believe that there is a depopulation program? This is a question that all awakened individuals are wrestling with. People’s refusal to accept this reality is by far the greatest frustration and the greatest impediment to change.“
7 months ago
Many DO believe in Depopulation program, but do NOT think you have the ultimate answer, Kevin.“
“ World Of Swimming
7 months ago
Brilliant piece. was listening several times. Thank you.“
„linda slice
6 months ago
why are some of us able to awaken and the rest can’t? my family is OBLIVIOUS…and yes i am split from all of them…why me? are we older souls? it’s lonely.
Diana Knox
5 months ago
Because we were never asleep. We did not all of a sudden have an epiphany,“
„Raphael Aegis
4 months ago
The bible was written by romans.“
„harry koschorreck
2 weeks ago
some of us are balanced well. Many of us having our attention scattered certainly involved in this out world and rare few stop and reflect or meditate. Both are good practice to control ones mind emotion and body. Being merely human is not enough. To be the soul we are we must practice being such. Most will not do so as their karma may dictate several or hundreds more lifetimes before maturing further.“
„John Wayne Rongley Jr.
1 week ago
linda slice Matrix syndrome. Those who are asleep, will fight tooth and nail to stay asleep. Too bad it’s only a small percentage of us that can even comprehend what is about to happen to this world.
1 week ago
Sheeple are just happy to have a pacifier in the head. Their world is in self-worship. The system has FOR AGES been destroying their relationship with the CREATOR. ..The soul is SACRED! Its meant to be kept CLEAN!“
“ Joe Blo7 months ago Powerful stuff!“
„Pamela Eckhart 6 months ago… How much truth in your speak. If only all could hear just some of your message.“
3 months ago
Definitely Cognitive Dissonance and the elite agenda. It is very lonely being awake and knowing the truth. “
„Max Wigant 6 months ago: Wow! Superbly well put das hier alles. Danke. “
„Teresa Croscup 6 months ago Truth shall set us free!!!!
Dummy Actor 2 months ago Teresa Croscup which is a biblical belief.“
“ cynthia caulkins
2 months ago
I shared this with my family and now am considered a mental case;
this is a form of persecution to those who are awake. Our Christ commanded order is to spread the Word of the Gospel to everyone. Always to right in God’s eyes, He is with you always!
Brenda Smith
2 months ago
So true people don’t want believe it I’m glad I’m awake
5 months ago (edited)
Great video—and so true!
Janette Thomas
2 months ago
It’s called murder.
6 months ago
Cognitive Dissonance.
Estela Lerma
Estela Lerma
7 months ago
Kevin you make me cry is so sad that same people don’t want to know they think I’m crazy when I talk about all this even my husband think yOU talk crazy stUFF.
6 months ago
A lot of people are falling into awareness.
Daisy Fields
5 months ago
I am not afraid just terribly sad ? It’s a heavy burden
mildred davis
2 months ago
Daisy Fields
Stay calm and do the best that you can, when you can. Take good care of yourself so that you can make clear and logical decisions in life.“
„Richard Bright
1 month ago
Big pharmaceutical is not concerned with health!! They are a profit machine!! The goal of big pharmaceutical is selling more product!! They do not care!!“
tosca donna
2 months ago
It IS a diabolical force. So many people will not listen, but I keep telling them anyway. I don’t care if it makes people not like me. Who cares? Those of us who study these things know the truth…
John 100
2 weeks ago
I think 80% of the common poor and middle class will never grasp the deadly nature of the depopulation program. It is so monstrous it is hard to wrap one’s mind around the concept.
2 months ago
stay positive! One by one, the masses are awakening. And our growth is becoming exponential. Keep sharing the bad news, for it is our responsibility to mankind.
al bundy
6 months ago
Summed up in two words, cognitive dissonance. Plus those imaginary friends in the sky always help also.
Geoengineering Watch Debunked
6 months ago
Why do people refuse to believe that there is a depopulation program? Because the population is increasing, and quite fast at that. If there is depopulation program, it’s a huge failure.
Diana Knox
5 months ago (edited)
The wheat is being separated from the chaff in preparation for the end times. This dark world belongs to Satan. Adam and Eve gave it to him when they sinned. Don’t believe it? When Yeshua was being tempted by Satan and Satan offered Him the world if Yeshua would bow down and worship him, Yeshua did not contradict him by saying that the world was not his to give. But there will be a new heaven and a new earth. One without Satan and his demons. The elite have deceived themselves into believing that there is a future for them. Satan has access to the same Scriptures that we have. He knows that he will lose, but he wants to take as many with him as he can.
5 months ago (edited)
I think one of the problems is everyone focusing on the chemicals and other scientific elements of the de-population agenda. There is one element so obvious I didn’t grasp it for years…. they are wiping out the poor using economics. When they restrict the opportunity for birth it means the poor will be wiped out, hundreds of millions of families will be gone. It’s genocide but will anyone even notice?
M. J.
4 months ago
Aaaah refreshing the soul food I have been waiting to hear! Thankyou. It is so good to not be alone……
Nel M
3 months ago
„Knowing is half the battle“ – General Hawke
7 months ago
Kudos to your courage and the desire to speak truth and shine light in a dark and evil world. It gets discouraging talking to human beings that don’t care and are considered by the dark occult as the „uninitiated“, the „walking dead“, and the „unbegun“. We have a hard job to do but very worthwhile as if we can get the at least half of humanity to understand, we will be able to possibly reach levels that we can only imagine and seek advances that can benefit all of humanity. Thank you for making this video.
colin crisp
2 months ago
Im out there every day trying to wake people I am horrified by the total indifference nothing I do or say seems to make a difference This is the hardest thing for me So its good to hear an explaination of what is going on sounds right to me THANK YOU.“

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