Sabrina D. Wallace – cmts network architecture (Illicit criminal health monitoring and remote torturing and dna-rna and biotech skin intrusion and skin mutation)
The real struggle for us is for the citizen to cease to be the property of the state. ― Adam Michnik
"To abstain from condemning a torturer, is to become an accessory to the torture and murder of his victims. / "Sich der Verurteilung eines Folterers zu enthalten, bedeutet, zur Folter und der Ermordung seiner Opfer beizutragen. (Ayn Rand) [59862]"
A psychotic psychiatrist....dangerous corrupted bastard, psychiatry is a fraud and another weapon of destruction....they all need to be locked away. (Janis Ferguson)(2015)
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings. (Nelson Mandela)