Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years
← Internet of Bodies (IoB) – Criminally coerced forced invasion through Chemtrails for 20+ years
"“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt...If the game runs sometime against us at home, we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake. (Thomas Jefferson)"
"Ein wenig Geduld, und wir werden sehen, wie die Herrschaft der Hexen vorübergeht, ihre Zaubersprüche sich auflösen und die Menschen, die ihren wahren Anblick wiedererlangen, ihre Regierung zu ihren wahren Prinzipien zurückführen. Es ist wahr, dass wir in der Zwischenzeit tief im Geist leiden und die Schrecken eines Krieges und lange Bedrängnisse einer enormen öffentlichen Verschuldung auf uns nehmen ... Wenn das Spiel irgendwann gegen uns zu Hause läuft, müssen wir Geduld haben, bis das Glück sich wendet, und dann sollen wir die Möglichkeit haben, die Prinzipien zurückzugewinnen, die wir verloren haben, denn es handelt sich um ein Spiel, bei dem Prinzipien auf dem Spiel stehen. (Thomas Jefferson)"
Aerosol War Crimes: I can come to no other logical conclusion than the manifestation and expression of control and that actually leads eventually to what you call ultimate control. ..and what is ultimate control: It´s control of everything about you and your environment, the world you live in. It is a manifestation of ultimate and complete control, at least intended okay, I am not saying necessarily success or not success in, but in terms of the driving force behind it. I am talking about the physical environment, I am talking about biology, I am talking about energy, I am talking about potential genetic evolution. These are the fields that I must consider in the end as being a probable target of an agenda. (Clifford E. Carnicom)
Anne Lane: 27.3.2019: Unless the criminals in police and government are jailed these crimes can’t stop.
They steal your looks, health, wealth, home assets, all your valuables, your clout, status, reputation; they completely steal your life! Gangstalkers are 99% government criminals or use government criminals to criminally assault you 24/7, all based on frauds they made up.
The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error. (Gustave Le Bon)(The Crowd)