800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
← 800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
Anne Lane: 27.3.2019: Unless the criminals in police and government are jailed these crimes can’t stop.
They steal your looks, health, wealth, home assets, all your valuables, your clout, status, reputation; they completely steal your life! Gangstalkers are 99% government criminals or use government criminals to criminally assault you 24/7, all based on frauds they made up.
"Society is collapsing. and people are starting to recognize that the reason... is that they´re living in a system that´s not designed to suit the human spirit. (Jim Carrey) [57722]"
Wenn unsere Regierungsleute wüßten, was auf sie zukommt, sie würden ganz anders regieren, leider haben sie es vergessen, bei der Inkarnation, daß sich alles rächen wird im Leben, vor allem nach dem Leben. (Sananda)
"Die Zensur ist die schändlichere von zwei Schwestern. Die Zensur ist das lebendige Eingeständnis der Herrschenden, daß sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völker regieren können. / Censorship is the more shameful of two sisters. The older one is called Inquisition. Censorship is the living admission of the rulers that they can only kick dumb slaves but cannot rule free peoples. (Johann Nepomuk Nestroy)(1801-1862)"