Sabrina D. Wallace – cmts network architecture (Illicit criminal health monitoring and remote torturing and dna-rna and biotech skin intrusion and skin mutation)
""Why do some artists who have a certain amount of talents, some not very much, why do they get picked up by the corporations and become these big influencers of young people and other people through the entertainment and the music industry and others with incredible talent never get of the ground, it´s because they are chosen. (David Icke)
"What we see here is that this is all based on Psychological warfare done by the military intelligence... Disney World..but what we actually have here is a number ..that are sponsored by military industrial was an FBI Plan, it was instigated...Trauma-Based Mind Control..during the last war in the concentration camps in Germany they started to perfect the manipulation of a natural mechanism of the mind that shuts out keep systematically traumatized someone...they started to make me an obedient slave at first..sensory deprivation...
they kept me awake for many hours at night.." [60963]"
..your Government and also about the soul stealing technology and so I have a scene in there that pipes voices and force speech in people walking by they don't even know that why they said it or forced it. So do I believe that this is already out there, oh, absolutely that´s why we have been talking about it for so many years. (Robert Duncan)(2015)(9)
Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world´s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. (Nikola Tesla)
Es ist nicht möglich, daß sich der Ruf des Magiers im Altertum und die Furcht vor der Hexe im Mittelalter ohne irgendeine Erfahrungsbasis aufgebaut haben. Die Prahlereien einer weisen Frau wären nicht mehr beachtet worden als diejenigen des Dorfidioten, wenn darauf niemals schmerzliche Konsequenzen gefolgt wären. Angst war das Motiv dieser Verfolgungen, und zwar gegründet auf bitterer Erfahrung; denn es war nicht die Obrigkeit, welche die Hexenverbrennungen forderte, sondern ganze Landbezirke erhoben sich zum Lynchen. Das universelle Grausen vor der Hexe muß irgendeinen Hintergrund haben. (Dion Fortune)