EctoLife: World’s Artificial Womb Facility
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Institutionalized Psychiatry has become an instrument of civilian control in the Modern State. ..Psychiatric techniques have turned the Soviet population into a herd of terrified and apathetic automatons. High technology Soviet mind control has been employed against political
dissidents. In the United States the American Mental Health Industry holds Soviet-style plans to replace the American justice system with mind control operations. ..America might be turned into a nation of obedient, suicidal zombies. (W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton) (THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR)
The beauty of our system is that it isolates everybody. (Noam Chomsky)
ALL LEGAL SYSTEMS are nothing but the revenge of society – revenge against those who don't fit in with the system. According to me, law is not for protection of the just, it is for protection of the crowd mind – whether it is just or unjust does not matter. Law is against the individual and for the crowd. It is an effort to reduce the individual and his freedom, and his possibility of being himself. (Osho)
Der Staatsapparat ist ein Zwangs- und Unterdrückungsapparat. Das Wesen der Staatstätigkeit ist, Menschen durch Gewaltanwendung oder Gewaltandrohung zu zwingen, sich anders zu verhalten, als sie sich aus freiem Antriebe verhalten würden. (Ludwig von Mises)