Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
← Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
"A Taste of the Social Media - Facebook - Is your paradigm about mistfits in the society the same after reading this? The misfits in the society are always free thinkers and do not deviate from their own norms of morality. When a society goes
on a wrong path, and that is most often, all right thinking persons, all philosophers, all moralists and all non-conformists become misfits in the society. Indeed, these misfits are the pioneers to bring back the society on the right path by
resetting its norms. Even if the social norms appear to be rightly set, the misfits in the society has a great significance as showing an alternate way of life to the people. — August 2012 [5830]"
How does something immoral, when done privately, become moral when it is done collectively? Furthermore, does legality establish morality? Slavery was legal; apartheid is legal; Stalinist, Nazi, and Maoist purges were legal. Clearly, the fact of legality does not justify these crimes. Legality, alone, cannot be the talisman of moral people. (Walter E. Williams)
(All It Takes Is Guts)
In den USA wurde die Nanotechnologie in der Haut der Menschen etwa 5-8 Jahre früher sichtbar als bei uns in Deutschland, manchmal aber auch deckungsgleich, bei den meisten wurden die ersten sichtbaren Spuren von Cyborgtechnologie in der Haut 2005 sichtbar. Da der korrupte medizinische ICD von den "RA-CKAFELLERs" stammt, leugnen sie offiziell diese Cyborg-Krankheit, die mittlerweile jeder hat und gehen noch einen Schritt weiter, indem sie den Begriff Morgellon sogar psychiatrisieren. Jeder halbwegs Gebildete weiß aber heutzutage, daß die Psychiatrie nur eine Waffe der regierenden Klasse ist, um sich Dissidenten vom Hals zu schaffen oder Personen, die ihrer Herrschaft gefährlich werden könnten. (Ingmar Veeck) (2014)
"How money is such a control system on this Planet, how a black magic spell was placed on money and that´s why all major banks are placed on energy node points on the Planet and the only way to truly free humanity is to remove the connection to money, this is the only Planet I am actually aware of where money is everything.On most Planets it´s about trade systems, where you exchange energy or you exchange something for something else,but here the lower connections are really attached to money. So what we need is a system where barter and trade
becomes equal with that of money. So that is something that I think we should be looking for... They have had communication with Pleiadians that the Planet needs to move to a barter trade system.(Simon Parkes)(2017)(11.1.) "