Russia moves in heavy flamethrower weapon
← Russia moves in heavy flamethrower weapon
The world is split in 2-3 phases....the 1st phase (not knowing about the people that own all secret energy and technology) that must play the evolving species that is enthusiastic while using the system´s limited ressources and restricted laws and the brainwashed University knowledge of the prison-matrix-system as a pseudo-evolution within the Truman Show of the Ruling Crime Cabal. The 2nd Phase are "Supersoldiers" or "Superhumans" or Avatars or Masters or Advanced Hybrids who can switch between all levels and roles...... The 3rd Phase are the Shadow Rulers who have all informations at hand, all possibilities and options available and who are the builders of the Prison-Matrix-System and the builders of the Staged Future and Truman Show for the passive masses. (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(8.8.)
What I'm saying is simply that every totalitarian society, no matter how strict, has had its underground. In fact, two undergrounds. There's the underground involved in political resistance and the underground involved in preserving beauty and fun--which is to say, preserving the human spirit. ― Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker
Working out of Pineal Gland meaning being Mind Controlled. (Lily Kolosowa)(2015)
Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them. (Linus Pauling)