How they were used to kill geniuses & world shaking influencers & talents & musicians & spiritual masters & philosophers & pioneer inventors & real dharma politicians & why this stops now with me…
"Verschwörungszeugs" ist heute offenbar die Kurzformel für die unaussprechliche Wahrheit. (Gore Vidal)
There is no remedy to the problems we currently face within the parameters of this system, there will never be any remedy within the parameters of this system because the system itself is designed to make sure that there is no remedy. That´s why you have to rise above it and to see it for what it is and realize that the only law that exists is to do no harm, and if those in positions of power and influence are doing harm on a regular basis then its up to us to stop supporting them and there really can be no debate at all that our governments are criminal organizations simply by looking at their track record and the actions of these people. It is You who are the remedy, it is us who must be the change, You are the resistance. (Max Igan)
"If God is within each man, then the enemy of man is any top-heavy system claiming a monopoly on truth and dispensing it downward. Why eventually will laws be necessary at all? I foresee a godly anarchy. No authority here on earth will have to
tell any man what to do, or even educate him; the Logos will do that - link him up. A truly egalitarian society should result. (Philip K. Dick) [8114]"
The method of the medical oligarchy and the whole defense story of the NWO-Matrix fence in terms of Transhumanism:
DOC REACTION: ICD-Brainwashed SLEEPING DOCTOR 1 (male): Are you insane?
“FACT – MORGELLON´S is Patent US 6245531. US Patented Military Bio-Weapon With Insect DNA Ecdysone In Humans.”
DOC ACTION: INFORMED PATIENT 2 : I have Morgellons for 10 Years. DOC REACTION: ICD-Brainwashed SLEEPING DOCTOR 2 (female): Ignorance and fury. (subconsciously knows that something is wrong, but uses aggression and cognitive dissonance as a strategy and defense mechanism to avoid responsibility)(