800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
← 800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
The Black Goo is processing the light in a biderectional way, so it is controlling consciousness and subconsciousness. ..so the subconsciousness is a time-reversed component, a bidirectional signal... The Black Goo is connected to quantum computers, based on Black Goo. We found four of them. One was in Rome. One was in the City of London, One was in a NS Underground facility in the middle of Germany, in the area of Nordhausen. It is a facility were the V2-Missiles were constructed.. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)(7)
“So much good my persecutors have done me by recklessly pouring out all the shafts of their hatred. They have deprived themselves of any power over me and henceforward I can laugh at them. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"
"Mächtige Regierungen haben einen Widerwillen gegen das Geniale. (Jacob Burckhardt)"
The Days of Big Oil are Definitely Numbered. (Free Energy Truth (2014))