800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
← 800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
.so the entire technologies based on Wilhelm Reich are there to reconnect and to extract the wrong frequencies and this is kind of giving us back the life
force and once we regain life force, we start to ascent and then we collide with the world of the demons.. Then they can´t act from the hidden, people who are high in vibrations, high amount of scalar potential accumulated within their system, they
will shine.. and they will be able to see the Archons, because they are getting closer and closer to their Realm, ..their entire biology depends on being invisible, this is something they really really fear. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)
“Impfen ist eine Illusion der Schulmedizin und als legale Quacksalberei zu entlarven. / Vaccination is an illusion of conventional medicine and unmasked as legal quackery. (H.P. Blavatski) (1882) [63622]”
Christianity is a marvelous religion. Too bad it has never been practiced. (Gandhi) [6117]
Conspiracy Revelation Archive Vol.78: 26. September 2015:
So people will not be able to live off of the wild life. New Zealand is doing the same thing. I can´t believe what they are doing…so, it´s looking pretty ugly.. Surprisingly the University of California U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis are involved in these Military programs.. (Paul Sandhu: Why do you say surprisingly? Universities have always been involved with the Military all over, most of these weapons research, biological, biowarfare research, electronic harassment, all these are done at Universities, all over the country.) It all comes out of the Universities, you are totally right. The Universities were started by Bankers and they are very occult, in other words satanic and demonic… (Leuren Moret)(2015)(09.12.)(on Jade Helm, Syrian Refugee Propaganda, Electronic Terrorism, More)"