800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
← 800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess
Geoengineering has become such a regular occurence in my state I really don´t like to leave the house. (Morgan Freeman) (2012)
ALL LEGAL SYSTEMS are nothing but the revenge of society – revenge against those who don't fit in with the system. According to me, law is not for protection of the just, it is for protection of the crowd mind – whether it is just or unjust does not matter. Law is against the individual and for the crowd. It is an effort to reduce the individual and his freedom, and his possibility of being himself. (Osho)
Ändere die Welt, sie braucht es. (Bertold Brecht)
The government of my country snubs honest simplicity, but fondles artistic villainy, and I think I might have developed into a very capable pickpocket if I had remained in the public service a year or two. / Die Regierung meines Landes brüskiert ehrliche Einfachheit, aber streichelt künstlerische Schurkerei, und ich glaube, ich hätte mich in einen sehr fähigen Taschendieb entwickeln können, wenn ich ein oder zwei Jahre in der öffentlichen Verwaltung geblieben wäre. (Mark Twain)