Ukrainian defenders destroy and capture many enemy vehicles.
← Ukrainian defenders destroy and capture many enemy vehicles.
Sozialpolitik ist nichts anderes als organisierte Kriminalität. (Hans-Hermann Hoppe) [7403]
#Freedom vs #ZombieStatists
"Our fellow men are black magicians. And whoever is with them is a black magician on the spot. Think for a moment, can you deviate from the path that your fellow men have lined up for you? And if you remain with them, your thoughts and your actions are fixed forever in their terms. That is slavery. The warrior, on the other hand, is free from all that. Freedom is expensive, but the price is not impossible to pay. So, fear your captors, your masters. Don´t waste your time and your power fearing freedom. (Carlos Castaneda)"
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul. (Larken Rose, The Iron Web)"
International law cannot be enforced against great powers. (Noam Chomsky)