Ukrainian defenders destroy and capture many enemy vehicles.
← Ukrainian defenders destroy and capture many enemy vehicles.
“If there’s life on other planets, then the earth is the Universe’s insane asylum. (Voltaire)"
Facebook ist ein entdynamisierendes System, ohne Kollektivpool zerstreut es gezielt die Massen, deswegen kann man es nur als virtuelles Konzentrationslager von DARPA/CIA/NSA/DOD bezeichnen. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(20.9.) [11532]
According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, Think about that for a moment. (Richard Dolan)
There is no remedy to the problems we currently face within the parameters of this system, there will never be any remedy within the parameters of this system because the system itself is designed to make sure that there is no remedy. That´s why you have to rise above it and to see it for what it is and realize that the only law that exists is to do no harm, and if those in positions of power and influence are doing harm on a regular basis then its up to us to stop supporting them and there really can be no debate at all that our governments are criminal organizations simply by looking at their track record and the actions of these people. It is You who are the remedy, it is us who must be the change, You are the resistance. (Max Igan)