Generation Putin | DW Documentary
← Generation Putin | DW Documentary
The CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011... and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)
Americans need to wake up. The government of the US and most if not all of the NATO countries are nothing more than state sponsored terrorists. Though all governments around the globe are corrupt, the center of power is also clearly the center of off the rails insanity. This power and criminal behavior has gone completely unchecked for so long that the magnitude of the threat it now poses is nearly incomprehensible.
From false flag events, to endless assassinations, to the decades long chemical spraying of global populations, the power structure is completely out of control. The only plausible chance for a change in direction rests in the hope that the US population will wake up and squarely face the monster it has helped to create by shear complacency. (Dane Wigington) (2014)
Anne Lane: 27.3.2019: Unless the criminals in police and government are jailed these crimes can’t stop.
They steal your looks, health, wealth, home assets, all your valuables, your clout, status, reputation; they completely steal your life! Gangstalkers are 99% government criminals or use government criminals to criminally assault you 24/7, all based on frauds they made up.
"The natural man lives for himself; he is the unit, the whole, dependent only on himself and on his like. The citizen is but the numerator of a fraction, whose value depends on its denominator; his value depends upon the whole, that is, on the community. Good social institutions are those best fitted to make a man unnatural, to exchange his independence for dependence, to merge the unit in the group, so that he no longer regards himself as one, but as a part of the whole, and is only conscious of the common life.
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"