Generation Putin | DW Documentary
Die Polizei in Elmshorn beteiligt sich ohnehin seit 20 Jahren an Tötungsdelikten. Seit ca. 2003 wissentlich, da ich dort war. Oliver Grell (2015)(11)
"Frau Shunin und Herr Shunin/Menschenrechtler aus Karlsruhe werden seit 8 Jahren von ALLMYSTERY und von NETZLAUTSPRECHER/ HAGBARD im Internet verleumdet, beschmutzt und verfolgt. Herr Shunin wurde im Juni 2013 durch kriminelle deutsche Ärzte, dem Staatsschutz und das Militär ermordet!!
Die Witwe mit ihren Kindern wurde nach dem Mord ihres Ehemannes von der Klinik und von der Justiz/Polizeibeamten ohne Scheu finanziell beraubt.
Viele kriminelle Polizeibeamten aus Karlsruhe sind im Spiel!! "
"The true Human Being is the Innermost, He does not have problems. The problems are from the mind. (Samael Aun Weor)" [73877]
The real struggle for us is for the citizen to cease to be the property of the state. ― Adam Michnik
Free energy forums delete all information about how CROP CIRCLES are created. I posted the relevant info but I was deleted from all forums I tried, which means the knowledge that MAGNETS are natural MASER emitters have been banned from science. Whenever two magnets cancel themselves it generates COHERENT ENERGY which is the same as LASER only it is not visible laser, it is INVISIBLE LASER, with very special properties of a EXTREME LOW FREQUENCY which happens only in case of this invisible laser, better called MASER, like drawing CROP CIRCLES or reading the human mind, but in spite of the fact that satellite MASER is used everyday to read the minds of six billion peoples with a thing as simple as a MAGNET, that knowlege, how it works has been kept secret. Professors in Universities will bluntly lie and say MAGNETS do not emit MASER, when MAGNETS is in fact the first and most important source of MASER in nature, so we have a problem, we have THE SCIENTISTS fooling us straight away and when one try to show their lies, the posts are deleted. ..then it becomes a MASER EMITER capable of drawing crop circles.. (WAD Pereira)(2015)(10)