Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
← Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
Now breathing the fallout from a "Burnt-Plastic" chemtrail plume. Being able to smell and taste chemtrails is like being able to see things others cannot see, although about 2% of the population seems to be able to smell or taste chemtrails. For me, it´s so intense, it´s like I´m standing in a filthy factory or having my nose directly over an open can of acetone. This is real and unprecedented in human history. Do not ignore this disease-causing, life-shortening crime against humanity another day. (Russ Tanner) (2015)(2)
Ingmar Veeck: 30. Oktober 2014: Billionaires are strange creatures... they poison their original habitat, if you look at it from rational perspective. The irrational factor is the interdimensional involvement of unknown species, then the whole process of terra-reforming makes sense.
Milliardäre sind seltsame Wesen… sie vergiften ihren ursprünglichen Lebensraum, wenn man es aus rationaler Perspektive betrachtet. Der irrationale Faktor ist die interdimensionale Beteiligung unbekannter Spezien. Dann macht der gesamte Prozess der Terrareformierung Sinn.
It's hot possible they are hybrids but I would say they've been enhanced...they've been involved in the covert aspects of the technology for very long time... it's more than a scalar wave at work and it works a lot with zero-point-energy that I know, it's not just a regular mock radio signal up. (Solaris Raven) (2013)(2)
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.