Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
← Revealed: US Army is Testing the Deadliest Robotic Combat Vehicle
Als Historiker weiß ich, daß es keine Dauerlösungen gibt. Auch der #Kapitalismus, egal, wie zäh er ist und wie sehr er auch in den Köpfen der Menschen als etwas Unabänderliches erscheint, er wird verschwinden, früher oder später. (Eric Hobsbawm)
There is an objective reality and everyone can check it with a microscope onto yourself. It is called transhumanist takeover of biological entities for the purpose of total control of the world.
/ Es gibt eine objektive Realität und die kann jeder mit einem Mikroskop an sich selbst nachprüfen. Man nennt sie transhumanistische Übernahme von biologischen Entitäten zwecks totaler Kontrolle der Welt. (Ingmar Veeck) (2014)(11)
Wenn unsere Regierungsleute wüßten, was auf sie zukommt, sie würden ganz anders regieren, leider haben sie es vergessen, bei der Inkarnation, daß sich alles rächen wird im Leben, vor allem nach dem Leben. (Sananda)
Kevin Mugur Galalae: 14. November 2019 : Do you want to know why the depopulationists are not afraid of being caught, judged and executed?
Because they have DNA samples preserved in secret locations for the purpose of cloning them back to life (by a technique called nuclear transfer) once they die or are killed in the line of duty. This has been possible and has been done since the 1980s. It could very well be that the people who will take over from this generation of depopulationists are clones of previous generations of depopulationists. If that is the case, then the depopulationists who have been cloned and are about to take the reins of power are in their thirties.
They are killing you and your children and in return receive everlasting life, or at least the only version of everlasting life technologically and scientifically possible.
That is why the people who commit genocide to depopulate the planet are fearless. It is also why they destroy your genetic endowment.
If you have not been offered everlasting life and have not given at least three samples of DNA to be stored at separate, secret and secure facilities then you don’t belong to the inner circle of the depopulation lobby and are but a foot soldier to be used and dispensed of at will.
Now you know.
Lisa A Siomos The soul cannot be cloned..the body yes..the soul is not going to escape judgment..they are playing God but they are not...