4366300cookie-checkNASA DIA Criminals and their sick minds (3)
NASA – the end of mankind leaked document 2013 Revisited 2021.
← NASA – the end of mankind leaked document 2013 Revisited 2021.
Ignorance is the biggest biggest illness on this planet. Total Ignorance. (Rauni Kilde)
“We talk about civilization as though it’s a static state. There are no civilized people yet, it’s a process that’s constantly going on… As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization.” (Jacque Fresco)
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.
Diejenigen Aktivisten, die nicht bei Wikipedia gelistet sind, denjenigen kann getraut werden... / Those activists that are not listed on Wikipedia, those can be trusted... (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)(2)