McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
← McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
Wir wissen ja mittlerweile, dass in jedem CPU-Prozessor ein Trojaner von Zion und dem Department of War drin ist…was fast alle Security-Tools und die gesamte Antiviren-Industrie Ad-Absurdum führt.
In the meantime we already know that in every CPU processor there is a Trojan from Zion and the Department of War... which makes a mockery out of almost all security tools and the entire anti-virus industry. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(6.8.)
Scott Carawan: 25.3.2017: Society never needed oil or an energy grid since Tesla. There is a plethora of alternate energies that have been available. To me anyone working for a living SURVIVING off money is an idiot/"happy" slave...
„There is no reason for us to live in this antiquated, violent world, ruled over by tyrants, that are raping everything about this Planet and destroying it and..that´s what I really want to do..I wanna meet People like me that want to do those things together and let´s form some kind of a Institute or let´s form some kind of project together and let´s make it happen. (John Edmonds)(2015)(11)“
Conspiray Revelation: Revolutionary Matrix Breaker Mantra................ (23.9.)(2014) Exposing The Archons: Stop obeying the Law. Stop paying taxes. Stop asking permission. Stop obtaining licenses. Stop obtaining permits. Stop asking permission. Stop following orders. Stop obeying the police. Stop obeying the Judges. Stop obeying the FBI/CIA/FEMA/DHS/FDA etc. Stop asking permission. Stop obeying the Crown Corporation. Stop obeying statutes. Stop obeying the Vatican. Stop obeying the Central Banks. Stop obeying the Rothschilds. Stop obeying the Zionists. Stop obeying Babylon. Stop obeying Washington DC. Stop obeying Congress. Stop obeying the Supreme Court. Stop obeying the President. Stop asking for permission. Stop obeying Lucifer. Stop obeying Satan. Stop obeying the Devil. CLAIM YOUR BIRTHRIGHT~! START BEING A CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH, THE BELOVED CREATOR~!) [11793]