McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
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Dumm ist nicht jemand, der etwas nicht weiß. Dumm ist jemand, der etwas nicht wissen will. (Dr. med. Dieter Hayek)
The Black Goo is processing the light in a biderectional way, so it is controlling consciousness and subconsciousness. the subconsciousness is a time-reversed component, a bidirectional signal... The Black Goo is connected to quantum computers, based on Black Goo. We found four of them. One was in Rome. One was in the City of London, One was in a NS Underground facility in the middle of Germany, in the area of Nordhausen. It is a facility were the V2-Missiles were constructed.. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)(7)
“You must consider the whole part played by electricity in Nature, …to the effect that human beings cannot go on developing in the same way in an atmosphere permeated on all sides by electric currents and radiations. It has an influence on the whole development of man. This is quite true; man’s inner life will become different if these things are carried as far as is now intended. It makes a difference whether you simply supply a certain district with steam-engines or electrify the railway lines. Steam works more consciously, whereas electricity has an appallingly unconscious influence; people simply do not know where certain things are coming from. Without a doubt there is a trend of evolution in the following direction. Consider how electricity is now being used above the earth as radiant and as conducted electricity, to carry the news as quickly as possible from one place to another. This life of men in the midst of electricity, notably radiant electricity, will presently affect them in such a way that they will no longer be able to understand the news which the receive so rapidly. The effect is to damp down their intelligence. Such effects are already to be seen today. Even today you can notice how people understand the things that come to them with far greater difficulty than they did a few decades ago. (Rudolf Steiner)(1924)
"Der Kapitalismus ist das Mittel um die unteren Gesellschaftsschichten unten zu halten und die oberen noch reicher werden zu lassen. (unbekannt) [4494]"