McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
← McAfee Conspiracy summary from Telegram & Facebook Comments & Public News…
Free energy forums delete all information about how CROP CIRCLES are created. I posted the relevant info but I was deleted from all forums I tried, which means the knowledge that MAGNETS are natural MASER emitters have been banned from science. Whenever two magnets cancel themselves it generates COHERENT ENERGY which is the same as LASER only it is not visible laser, it is INVISIBLE LASER, with very special properties of a EXTREME LOW FREQUENCY which happens only in case of this invisible laser, better called MASER, like drawing CROP CIRCLES or reading the human mind, but in spite of the fact that satellite MASER is used everyday to read the minds of six billion peoples with a thing as simple as a MAGNET, that knowlege, how it works has been kept secret. Professors in Universities will bluntly lie and say MAGNETS do not emit MASER, when MAGNETS is in fact the first and most important source of MASER in nature, so we have a problem, we have THE SCIENTISTS fooling us straight away and when one try to show their lies, the posts are deleted. ..then it becomes a MASER EMITER capable of drawing crop circles.. (WAD Pereira)(2015)(10)
Facebook has made a new useful invention...You now see the amount of new postings nearby an Individual on the list...looks like a counterbalance to their Newsfeed-Censor-Algos...
As always they tell nobody anything...they just do it, the Spy Agency mentality is seeping through and through...In the good old largest German social network that broke in 2014 there was never this uninforming deceitful methodism of silent reformations within social virtual structures... In general it´s no problem for most people, but you see the difference of something that is really would give you at least a notification before a crucial change... (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(8.3.)
"The "bible" was written by masons king james and the church of nicea they changed every thing black is white and white is black Yahwahjehovah you know the I AM with at least 2 names is the devil. Just use common sense: true source God.. is divine. Not jealous, vengeful, not needing prayed too, burnt offerings, circumcisions (trauma based programming by the way) "your god destroys the earth to cover its mistakes,.it´s a little sad. (Adam Rose)(2017)(9)"
Das Schweigen der Massen ist das Verbrechen, für das sie büßen. Das Schweigen ist die schwerste Verfolgung. Niemals haben die Heiligen geschwiegen. (Blaise Pascal)(1623-1662)