Putin And Mafia Danish Documentary
Humanity is forced into a Truman Show by the Military-Industrial-Pharma Complex for 60 years at least... For around 60-100 Years new physics technology exists and humanity needs no more Oil-Cartels... / Die Menschheit ist durch den militärisch-industriellen-Pharma-Komplex, seit mindestens 60 Jahren, in eine Truman-Show gezwungen worden... Seit rund 60 bis 100 Jahren existiert neue Physik Technologie und die Menschheit braucht keine Öl-Kartelle mehr... (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)
The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that Anarchy can be instituted by a revolution. "To establish Anarchy." "Anarchy will be instituted." But it will be instituted only by there being more and more people who do not require protection from governmental power, and by there being more and more people who will be ashamed of applying this power. (Leo Tolstoi)
"Mächtige Regierungen haben einen Widerwillen gegen das Geniale. (Jacob Burckhardt)"
Artificial Intelligence has taken over the whole planet during the last 10 years... there´s no doubt about this... / Die künstliche Intelligenz hat den ganzen Planeten übernommen in den letzten 10 Jahren... Es gibt keinen Zweifel darüber... (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)