5448400cookie-checkscreenshot.05-03-2024 15.02.53
Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
← Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
There are two potential violators of man´s rights: the criminals and the government. (Ayn Rand)
"Mächtige Regierungen haben einen Widerwillen gegen das Geniale. (Jacob Burckhardt)"
Perps are the embodiment of demonic consciousness, TIs are the embodiment of God consciousness, two ends of the spectrum, the most low and the most high. This is all by God's design, to expose this along with revelations of the return of God Source, the prime creator. (Jeannette Folmer)(2017)(2)
"The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low minded people. (Albert Einstein)"