Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
← Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world´s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. (Nikola Tesla)
All these sick psychopaths hide behind Institutes, Universities, Corporations under the guise of helping reality they mimic or suffer from Munchausen syndrome... causing the disease and curing the disease...that´s the way of the
Oil-Cartel and of the sick medical-oligarchic-plutocratic system.
Alle diese kranken Psychopathen verstecken sich hinter Instituten, Universitäten, Unternehmen unter dem Deckmantel der Menschheit zu helfen ... in Wirklichkeit mimiken oder leiden sie an dem Münchhausen-Syndrom... Verursachung der Krankheit und Heilung der Krankheit... das ist die Art und Weise des Öl-Kartells und des kranken medizinisch-oligarchisch-plutokratischen Systems.. (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)(8) [21643]
They could simultaneously use teleportation and chronovision. They could use chronovision to absolutely deprive us of any form of privacy. As we know we find ourselves on a frightening threshold of a global police surveillance state. We must prevent that the Government achieves a T.I.A. (Total Information Awareness) People should own the right of freedom and happiness. . (Andrew D. Basiago)(Project Pegasus, Teleportation and Time Travel)
Now breathing the fallout from a "Burnt-Plastic" chemtrail plume. Being able to smell and taste chemtrails is like being able to see things others cannot see, although about 2% of the population seems to be able to smell or taste chemtrails. For me, it´s so intense, it´s like I´m standing in a filthy factory or having my nose directly over an open can of acetone. This is real and unprecedented in human history. Do not ignore this disease-causing, life-shortening crime against humanity another day. (Russ Tanner) (2015)(2)