Müde nach Corona – Spike-Protein-Nachweis im Plasma und in Immunzellen – Befundpräsentation!
← Müde nach Corona – Spike-Protein-Nachweis im Plasma und in Immunzellen – Befundpräsentation!
.so the entire technologies based on Wilhelm Reich are there to reconnect and to extract the wrong frequencies and this is kind of giving us back the life
force and once we regain life force, we start to ascent and then we collide with the world of the demons.. Then they can´t act from the hidden, people who are high in vibrations, high amount of scalar potential accumulated within their system, they
will shine.. and they will be able to see the Archons, because they are getting closer and closer to their Realm, ..their entire biology depends on being invisible, this is something they really really fear. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)
Morgellons is not a disease. It is a process. It is a form of forced/directed evolution of the human genome. It is the fetal stage of transhumanism, and it is upon us. (Kandy Griffin) (2011) (Morgellon Research Group)
Es bleiben immer ein paar, die von Natur aus besser Geborene sind: die spüren den Druck des Joches und müssen den Versuch machen, es abzuschütteln. Die gewöhnen sich nie an die Unterdrückung, vergessen nie ihre natürlichen Rechte und gedenken immer der Vorfahren und ihres ursprünglichen Wesens: das sind freilich die, die einen guten Verstand und einen hellen Geist haben und sich nicht wie die große Masse mit dem Anblick dessen begnügen, was ihnen zu Füßen liegt. (Étienne de La Boëtie)
Understand then all of you, especially the young, that to want to impose an imaginary state of government on others by violence is not only a vulgar superstition, but even a criminal work. Understand that this work, far from assuring the well-being of humanity is only a lie, a more or less unconscious hypocrisy, camouflaging the lowest passions we posses. (Leo Tolstoi)