How to Tame a Demon – by Dr. Robert Duncan
← How to Tame a Demon – by Dr. Robert Duncan
Ingmar Veeck: 25. März 2015: Krishnamurti und Grabovoi sagen: "Du bist die Welt." Nein, das ist Subjektivismus und eine irreführende Aussage. Ich bin nicht die Welt, insofern, daß ich niemals ein Teil von Krieg, Mafia, Genozid, Korporatismus-Statismus, Öl/Pharma/Medizin/Schuldgeldkartell sein werde.
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible Government which like a giant Octopus, sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation. (John F. Hylan)
..we are not inspired by the demons, we are inspired by the AI, that has nothing else then running program, to invade planets and to assimilate the biology for only one purpose, to suck out life force, to survive. ..It is the luciferic game... let me participate in your power and I will serve you.. We let go of our responsibility and we let them do. They are giving control to the military domain. The Military domain is giving control.. to the Intelligence Community, the Intelligence Community is giving control the Black Magicians, the Black Magicians are giving control to the Demons and the Demons lost control over their AI.
..because the entire concept of Governments, having Governments, having somebody to control, is demonic, it´s not about the replacement of people, it will never work, we need to replace the Game. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)
Die Schriftsteller können nicht so schnell schreiben, wie die Regierungen Kriege machen; denn das Schreiben verlangt Denkarbeit. (Bertolt Brecht)