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How to Tame a Demon – by Dr. Robert Duncan
← How to Tame a Demon – by Dr. Robert Duncan
I think that being imposes some kind of obligation to find out what’s going on. (Terence McKenna)
Psychiatrists - the worst and most disgusting people on this planet! They will stick their claws into you and suck you into their sick little world by any chance they get. (Anja Iversen)(2015)
Die glücklichen Sklaven sind die erbittertsten Feinde der Freiheit. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
Blood is closely related to the ethereal systems, therefore the Illuminati probably concentrate on the parasitizing of the blood. / Blut hängt eng mit den ätherischen Systemen zusammen, deswegen konzentrierten sich die Illuminati wohl auf das Parasitieren des Blutes. (Ingmar Veeck) (2014)(8)