Morgellons is a military-grade entomological terror weapon…/Morgellons ist eine entomologische Terrorwaffe in Militärqualität..
“Impfen ist eine Illusion der Schulmedizin und als legale Quacksalberei zu entlarven. / Vaccination is an illusion of conventional medicine and unmasked as legal quackery. (H.P. Blavatski) (1882) [63622]”
"A Taste of the Social Media - Facebook - Is your paradigm about mistfits in the society the same after reading this? The misfits in the society are always free thinkers and do not deviate from their own norms of morality. When a society goes
on a wrong path, and that is most often, all right thinking persons, all philosophers, all moralists and all non-conformists become misfits in the society. Indeed, these misfits are the pioneers to bring back the society on the right path by
resetting its norms. Even if the social norms appear to be rightly set, the misfits in the society has a great significance as showing an alternate way of life to the people. — August 2012 [5830]"
Politische Dummheit kann man lernen, man braucht nur deutsche Schulen zu besuchen. Die Zukunft Deutschlands wird wahrscheinlich für den Rest des Jahrhunderts von Außenstehenden entschieden. Das einzige Volk, das dies nicht weiß, sind die Deutschen. (The Spectator)(1959)
“The way that most men deal with traditions, even traditions of their own country, is to receive them all alike as they are delivered, without applying any critical test whatever. (Thucydides)"