Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
← Pentagon Funded Bio-Weapons Labs in the Ukraine
"But what can you do, We both live in a world that is monitoring us from the inside out, not even trusting us enough to make our own mistakes... The very same Nanotechnology that imprisons us also makes us superhuman. (Post-Human)"
“Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice of rationing resources through monetary control is no longer relevant and is counter-productive to our survival.” (Jacque Fresco)
"But what can you do, We both live in a world that is monitoring us from the inside out, not even trusting us enough to make our own mistakes... The very same Nanotechnology that imprisons us also makes us superhuman. (Post-Human)"
Die Drogen sind Teil der Strategie, mit der die Regierung uns alle unter Kontrolle hält. (Frank Zappa)