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"If God is within each man, then the enemy of man is any top-heavy system claiming a monopoly on truth and dispensing it downward. Why eventually will laws be necessary at all? I foresee a godly anarchy. No authority here on earth will have to
tell any man what to do, or even educate him; the Logos will do that - link him up. A truly egalitarian society should result. (Philip K. Dick) [8114]"
Conspiracy Revelation Archive: 26. März 2014 um 15:51: I wonder how many Aluminium ressources this planet has... for how many years might they be able to dump this Alu-Nanorain on the people...
Manchen Völkern genügt eine Katastrophe, sie zur Besinnung zu bringen. Deutschen, so scheint es, bedarf es des Untergangs. (Arthur Müller v.d. Bruck)
"I came to America because of the great, great freedom which I heard existed in this country. I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of freedom, a mistake I cannot repair in the balance of my lifetime. (Albert Einstein)"