Russian Military Attacking Donetsk Ukraine Air Raid Sounding now. LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE
← Russian Military Attacking Donetsk Ukraine Air Raid Sounding now. LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE
Some demons are so strong that we need to purify our bodies with fasting before we can get them out... Generational sins & curses have to be broken. Curses & sins from our culture can make us vulnerable also. When we determine how the demon got authority to come into our life.. Some have such powerful control over a person that the controlled person may shake and pass out when the demon leaves. (Fritz Springmeier) (2014)
There were no religious wars in the ancient world before monotheism. (Leonard Shlain)
An asylum for the sane would be empty in America. (George Bernard Shaw)
Die Schriftsteller können nicht so schnell schreiben, wie die Regierungen Kriege machen; denn das Schreiben verlangt Denkarbeit. (Bertolt Brecht)