What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
← What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
Miserable people are dangerous for the simple reason they don't care whether the earth survives or not. They are so miserable that deep down they may think it would be better if everything were finished. Who cares, if you are living in misery? Only happy people... would like this planet to survive forever. (Osho)
The Federal Republic of Germany, since its founding by the Founding Fathers, was the first republic, the first state system, which was fully controlled by the chemical and pharmaceutical cartel, in all areas of society. / Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, seit seiner Gründung durch die Gründungsväter, war die erste Republik, das erste Staatswesen, was vollständig von dem Chemie und Pharmakartell kontrolliert wurde, in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen. (Dr. Matthias Rath)
So people will not be able to live off of the wild life. New Zealand is doing the same thing. I can´t believe what they are doing…so, it´s looking pretty ugly.. Surprisingly the University of California U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis are involved in these Military programs.. (Paul Sandhu: Why do you say surprisingly? Universities have always been involved with the Military all over, most of these weapons research, biological, biowarfare research, electronic harassment, all these are done at Universities, all over the country.) It all comes out of the Universities, you are totally right. The Universities were started by Bankers and they are very occult, in other words satanic and demonic… (Leuren Moret)(2015)(09.12.)(on Jade Helm, Syrian Refugee Propaganda, Electronic Terrorism, More)"
Remember they had 15 years time to cover up the whole planet with quantum bionanotech... all your screams won´t shake a little rock in terms of their Agenda... (Ingmar Veeck)(2013)(31.12.)