What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
← What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
Christianity is a marvelous religion. Too bad it has never been practiced. (Gandhi) [6117]
German politicians hate the German people they even insult their own population as descendants of nazis who will be ethnically cleansed because of their failure to have enough children...This isn´t multiculturalism which Merkel herself admits it has failed..This is demographic suicide..it´s poison. ..They even celebrate the possibility the Muslim migrants will outnumber germans in major cities within 20 years… and it’s being allowed to happen by our own treacherous, corrupt political class. (Paul Joseph Watson)(2016)(6.1.)
“If there’s life on other planets, then the earth is the Universe’s insane asylum. (Voltaire)"
Was die Welt braucht, das sind couragiertes Ärzte, die sich mit dem Establishment anlegen, sich von der Pharma Lobby nicht mit Urlauben beeindrucken und zur Korruption verleiten lassen, die noch etwas auf ihren Eid geben, Mikroskopführung akzeptieren und den korrupten ICD-666 angreifen, ihn mit Objektivismus neu strukturieren und aktive Biowaffen indexieren, somit der Legitimation des weltweiten U.S. Genozids ein Ende bereiten. /
What the world needs are courageous Doctors, who start a fight with the Establishment, not being impressed by the pharmaceutical lobby with holidays and enticed by corruption, who still give something to their oath, accept to carry a microscope and attack the corrupt ICD-666, restructure it with objectivism and index active biological weapons, hence put an end to the legitimation of the U.S. global genocide. (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)(4)