Telegram-Memetik-Tagesmix 12.8.2021
"The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization. (Robert Anton Wilson)"
"Society exists at the cost of the individual. It has existed that way up until now. The individual is not allowed total freedom to express himself. Through this suppression, society creates an image by which you can be exploited. (Osho)"
Conspiracy Revelation Archive: 26. März 2014 um 15:51: I wonder how many Aluminium ressources this planet has... for how many years might they be able to dump this Alu-Nanorain on the people...
Government attempts to prevent a few future invasions by committing permanent invasions against everyone. (Murray N. Rothbard)