Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
← Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
Criminals are a small minority in any age or country. And the harm they have done to mankind is infinitesimal when compared to the horrors — the bloodshed, the wars, the persecutions, the confiscations, the famines, the enslavements, the wholesale destructions — perpetrated by mankind’s governments. Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights: it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims. When unlimited and unrestricted by individual rights, a government is men’s deadliest enemy. (Ayn Rand)
The largest scientific panel in human history is helping to hide the greatest crime in human history, what a surprise. (Dane Wigington) (2014)
The problems that beset us today, both existentially and socially, have a date of birth. As I show in my work on Atlantis, we were not always beset by such chronic psychic and social problems. Historically speaking they are recent phenomena. They date to about 13,000 years ago and they do not have to persist. In fact, it is my belief that we are now in the final phase of the old paradigm. The time is coming when both the protagonists and the antagonists in the human drama will be compelled to face the legacy of the past, and the forces that enter their lives to restore balance.
Although I covered some of the key events pertaining to the alien visitation, and subsequent infection of our perfumed planet by their presence, and although I did bring things up to the present “Silicon Age,” I stressed that it was not possible to cover the various exploits and machinations of the visitors throughout history. Space did not permit me to delineate the fascinating story of how the surviving Atlanteans and Lemurians (both descendants of the so-called “Fallen Angels”) toiled to establish new
civilizations after incomprehensibly horrific cataclysms decimated their habitats. It is time now to address the new world that arose in the aftermath of the “Age of Catastrophe.” (Michael Tsarion) (Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation)(„Truth Against the World“)
Remember they had 15 years time to cover up the whole planet with quantum bionanotech... all your screams won´t shake a little rock in terms of their Agenda... (Ingmar Veeck)(2013)(31.12.)