2021 Military Strength Ranking
"Many people think that it does not matter whether or not you believe in God; what matters is to work for the good of society. Well they are wrong, for a society with no God inevitably degenerates after a while. If it has no centre, no sublime core around which to revolve, its members soon cease to be perfect social creatures, and greed, prejudice, and injustice creep in and corrupt. Every society that has not been solidly attached to a firm central axis has ended by being overcome and destroyed by the negative forces.
When a society lives in the awareness of a higher world, it is permeated by such powerful forces that all negative elements are swept away and it is possible to establish just laws that contribute to the welfare of all its citizens. But as soon as this spiritual intensity wanes, negative forces begin to stir and, finding themselves unopposed, invade every aspect of life. If so many evils exist on earth today, it is because human beings have allowed the consciousness of the Divine to fade within themselves and from society.
(Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov)"
Ingmar Veeck: 22. Juni 2014: Nur mal zur Info und Rekapitulation: Facebook und Youtube sind zionistische Zensurveranstaltungen. Einen kollektiven Kommunikationspool, wie bei Wkw, wird man hier nicht finden, was wohl auch ein Grund ist, warum Wkw abgeschafft wurde. Lediglich separate, abgeschirmte und durch KI-Algos zensierte Seiten findet man hier. Der Kommunikationsfluss unter den Menschen wird subtil sabotiert, getreu dem Motto teile und herrsche.
International law cannot be enforced against great powers. (Noam Chomsky)
"Society is collapsing. and people are starting to recognize that the reason... is that they´re living in a system that´s not designed to suit the human spirit. (Jim Carrey) [57722]"