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Something which we've noticed here in Britain is that people with certain blood groups are being specifically targeted by certain organizations I don't wanna say too much, but their organizations a lot of people would treat every day as the most trustworthy people. ...
A guy called John Shelton and he has very similar qualities and he actually used to work for the British Ministry of Defence, but it was the health service that was targeting him, we find they seem to be are after certain people. (Miles Johnston)(2013)(2)
“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence. (Larken Rose)"
Ist euer Geist schon so sehr der Vergewaltigung unterlegen, daß Ihr vergeßt, daß es nicht nur Euer Recht, sondern Eure sittliche Pflicht ist, dieses System zu beseitigen? (Die weiße Rose)
.so the entire technologies based on Wilhelm Reich are there to reconnect and to extract the wrong frequencies and this is kind of giving us back the life
force and once we regain life force, we start to ascent and then we collide with the world of the demons.. Then they can´t act from the hidden, people who are high in vibrations, high amount of scalar potential accumulated within their system, they
will shine.. and they will be able to see the Archons, because they are getting closer and closer to their Realm, ..their entire biology depends on being invisible, this is something they really really fear. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)