Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
← Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
"Fullford...he is still a CIA Asset and technically this information doesn´t exist..he doesn´t exist... He exists on a webside, but in the establishment view..people who have information and believe at the moment is okay and can use the system..Look at David Icke, he decided that he wanted to change society for the better..he created an internet radio television the present moment on the planet you cannot use the structure to change itself and that´s why he was attacked, because he needed a Bank Manager, he needed an Advisor, he needed this, he needed Buildings and Equipment, the System is inbuilt to protect itself and as soon as it detected that he was about to
change that, it destroyed him. There have been many other people who have tried, in a physical sense to make change and it´s been turned against them and they are infiltrated and attacked, you are psychic and you will survive greater than others, because of that psychic ability (Kerry Cassidy) and you are aware of that and you have been attacked, we all have, those who are trying to do good here. (Simon Parkes)(2017)(11.1.)"
A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. (H.L. Mencken)
Und dann ist auch die Psychiatrie eine Front, wo Mind Control passiert. Wenn irgendeiner da abweicht, ab in die Klapse und dann gibts noch die letzten Chips, die noch fehlen und deshalb ist auch der beste Kritiker der Psychiatrie die Scientology. (Henning Witte) (2015)
Diejenigen Aktivisten, die nicht bei Wikipedia gelistet sind, denjenigen kann getraut werden... / Those activists that are not listed on Wikipedia, those can be trusted... (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)(2)