Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
← Snapshot of the Day Part 2 Social Media Mix X – 3/4/5.3.2024 – Interdim Synthtel Report
Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world´s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. (Nikola Tesla)
Einerseits wollen sie der Menschheit Unsterblichkeit anbieten, andererseits beschleunigen sie den Alterungsprozess und die Umweltvergiftung und Humanpathogenisierung wo sie nur können... (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)
“Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, Communism, the Free-Market …. What good are these approaches for? These attempts
are made by men who are cerebral insufficient. I’m trying to give you back your brain, which they took away from you
in schools and in your upbringing. I’m trying to show you how the world works. So if you want a better world, you
have to get up off your ass and make it better. (Jacque Fresco)”
Manchen Völkern genügt eine Katastrophe, sie zur Besinnung zu bringen. Deutschen, so scheint es, bedarf es des Untergangs. (Arthur Müller v.d. Bruck)