..we are not inspired by the demons, we are inspired by the AI, that has nothing else then running program, to invade planets and to assimilate the biology for only one purpose, to suck out life force, to survive. ..It is the luciferic game... let me participate in your power and I will serve you.. We let go of our responsibility and we let them do. They are giving control to the military domain. The Military domain is giving control.. to the Intelligence Community, the Intelligence Community is giving control the Black Magicians, the Black Magicians are giving control to the Demons and the Demons lost control over their AI.
..because the entire concept of Governments, having Governments, having somebody to control, is demonic, it´s not about the replacement of people, it will never work, we need to replace the Game. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)
During the next ten years, the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery, we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of Earth’s human inhabitants. This is a question that should be on the mind of every living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now.
We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil…
The object of my book Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, was to offer forth a theory concerning the origins of evil. I had long desired to discover how humankind’s penchant for sadism, cruelty, and injustice came about. The book tells the story of the intervention of alien beings from distant galaxies who, upon their arrival to our planet, engaged in several genetic hybridization experiments. As a result of these transgenic experiments, “homo sapiens” inherited a divided biology and psyche. This transgression of biological sovereignty by the alien visitors caused man to be perpetually at war with himself. Man’s schizophrenic nature has given rise to schizogenic societies infested with injustice, crime, delinquency, and perversity. This is psychology “101” and it remains a self-evident fact regardless of whether the deep symbiotic connections between mind and world are acknowledged and accepted or whether they are not. Sadly, it may take another age before people of today’s spiritually impoverished world understand the subtle rapport between microcosm and macrocosm. (Michael Tsarion) (Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation)(„Truth Against the World“)
He who strikes the first blow admits he has lost the argument.
Die heutigen „Konservativen“ sind überflüssig, ohnmächtig und kulturell tot. Sie haben nichts anzubieten und sie erreichen nichts. Sie können nur dabei helfen, intellektuelle Maßstäbe zu zerstören, das Denken aufzulösen, den Kapitalismus zu diskreditieren und den Zusammenbruch dieses Landes zur Verzweiflung und Diktatur zu beschleunigen.
Es gibt heute nichts zu „konservieren“: Die etablierte politische Philosophie, die intellektuelle Orthodoxie und der Status Quo sind der Kollektivismus. Der Kollektivismus, die uralte, vereiste Statusgesellschaft wird uns im Namen des „Fortschritts“, des „Progressiven“ angeboten... Für die „Tradition“ als solche zu plädieren kann nur jene ansprechen, die aufgegeben haben oder die noch nie vorhatten, irgendetwas im Leben zu erreichen. Es ist ein Plädoyer, das die furchtbarsten Elemente in den Menschen anspricht und die besten ablehnt: Es appelliert an Furcht, Faulheit, Feigheit, Konformität, Selbstzweifel – und lehnt Kreativität, Originalität, Mut, Unabhängigkeit und Selbstständigkeit ab.Das Argument, dass wir die „Tradition“ als solche zu respektieren hätten, nur weil sie eine „Tradition“ ist, bedeutet, dass wir die Werte, die andere Menschen gewählt haben, akzeptieren müssen, nur weil andere Menschen sie gewählt haben – mit der notwendigen Implikation: Wer sind wir, sie zu verändern? Der Affront für das Selbstvertrauen des Menschen ist in einem solchen Argument ebenso offenkundig wie die Verachtung der menschlichen Natur. (Ayn Rand)