Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) 17.11.2023 + X-Infos
← Interdimensional Synthetic Telepathy Report (Synthtel) 17.11.2023 + X-Infos
It´s a very clear fact that the U.S. Government has declared the american people to be the enemy. (Michael C. Ruppert)
"How money is such a control system on this Planet, how a black magic spell was placed on money and that´s why all major banks are placed on energy node points on the Planet and the only way to truly free humanity is to remove the connection to money, this is the only Planet I am actually aware of where money is everything.On most Planets it´s about trade systems, where you exchange energy or you exchange something for something else,but here the lower connections are really attached to money. So what we need is a system where barter and trade
becomes equal with that of money. So that is something that I think we should be looking for... They have had communication with Pleiadians that the Planet needs to move to a barter trade system.(Simon Parkes)(2017)(11.1.) "
Miserable people are dangerous for the simple reason they don't care whether the earth survives or not. They are so miserable that deep down they may think it would be better if everything were finished. Who cares, if you are living in misery? Only happy people... would like this planet to survive forever. (Osho)
"GEZ=Gehirn Ersatz Zentrale!"