We need to talk about the new normal… Frequency Assault.
← We need to talk about the new normal… Frequency Assault.
Ignorance is the biggest biggest illness on this planet. Total Ignorance. (Rauni Kilde)
All of us are needed to help raise critical awareness of the climate engineering issue. There are countless ways to move the ball forward by getting out the message in the battle to expose global geoengineering. (Dane Wigington) (2015)
Liberty is not a thing for the great masses of men. It is the exclusive possession of a small and disreputable minority, like knowledge, courage and honor. It takes a special sort of man to understand and enjoy liberty — and he is usually an outlaw in democratic societies. (H.L. Mencken)
"Mächtige Regierungen haben einen Widerwillen gegen das Geniale. (Jacob Burckhardt)"