Immer mehr Organisiertes Stalking/Gangstalking…
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The real question is... if all people are nano chipped and if the old way of natural life has been stolen. (Ingmar Veeck) (2014)
Working out of Pineal Gland meaning being Mind Controlled. (Lily Kolosowa)(2015)
Diejenigen Aktivisten, die nicht bei Wikipedia gelistet sind, denjenigen kann getraut werden... / Those activists that are not listed on Wikipedia, those can be trusted... (Ingmar Veeck) (2015)(2)
„Every nation-state tends towards the imperial – that is the point. Through banks, armies, secret police, propaganda, courts and jails, treaties, taxes, laws and orders, myths of civil obedience, assumptions of civic virtue at the top…We put more trust in those who show a measure of compassion, who denounce the hideous social arrangements that make war inevitable.. which fosters corporate selfishness, panders to appetites and disorder, waste the earth. (Daniel Berrigan)“