Alcyon Pleyaden 111: Post-Wahrheit, Neuromarketing. Überzeugung…
← Alcyon Pleyaden 111: Post-Wahrheit, Neuromarketing. Überzeugung…
Backdoors on everything we have....They want people to be Zombies... So, they compromise the entire tech market, now, because these stasi soviet criminal scum from the NSA want to do this illegal spying on everyone... That should alarm everyone and get people going to say you know what I can´t politically hide anymore, I can´t say anymore: you know what I am against all this stuff...cause the Government.. "They already know" You shouldn´t post on Facebook because you know I don´t want to be a like a target of the Government. We are all targets of the Government, they spy on us constantly, you post your whole life on Facebook! Get with it politically, start battling this or be subject to the slavery.
Ingmar Veeck: 6.4.2019: So if there ever was something called "free will" is now intercepted and eventually mass-redirected by potential evil, envious or jealous now have the problem of brain scans, preemptive analysis, pretime analysis, skynet ai eeg, nano brain implants and global 24/7/365 remote brain wave monitoring... That are hardcore timeline relocation tactics...not in the sense of creation, the organic creation wanted to guarantee mass diversity, freedom, joy and indepedence, especially for long-term survival reasons..
By the way, for those who haven’t read my books, mental hospitals, are used for mind control. (Frit Springmeier)(2015)
Die sehr hohen Stufen des weltweiten Satanismus kontrollieren nicht nur bereits seit langem die Wachtturmgesellschaft, sondern es gibt auch verschiedene Probleme mit den Kongregationen der Zeugen Jehovas in bezug auf den satanischen rituellen Mißbrauch.