La danza final de Kali – The final dance of Kali – BCI Chemtrail Crimes – Transhumanism – NWO
← La danza final de Kali – The final dance of Kali – BCI Chemtrail Crimes – Transhumanism – NWO
Fear is the favored official tool for control by oppressive totalitarian agencies. The proliferation of fears is as limitless as the human imagination. Once one focuses on fear, the endless fearful events of the world feed it. Fear becomes obsessive and may take any form. Fearful thinking can balloon into paranoia or generate neurotic defensive structures, and because it is contagious, it can become a dominant social trend. (David R. Hawkins)
"I dislike Communism because it is undemocratic, and capitalism because it favors exploitation. (Bertrand Russell) [35994]"
Das Ewige ins Kontinuum projizieren, das ist Vollendung. (Ingmar Veeck)(2011) [8036]
"To abstain from condemning a torturer, is to become an accessory to the torture and murder of his victims. / "Sich der Verurteilung eines Folterers zu enthalten, bedeutet, zur Folter und der Ermordung seiner Opfer beizutragen. (Ayn Rand) [59862]"